Products Page

The basic “product” of the Smoker’s Freedom School is higher consciousness. In other words, more grins, more peace, more fun in life. (If that isn’t higher consciousness, then who needs it?) And that’s not for sale. Just read the stuff on the site… you’ll start grinning more, for free. Send us an e-mail to let us know what’s happening.  (

Or if you want more detail, go here…


<b>The Smoker’s Prayer:</b> <i>The Spiritual Healing of Tobacco Addiction with or without Chantix, Nicotine Patches, Hypnosis, Jail Time or Duct Tape. </i>

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</p> I had to be an old guy, with thirty years in the business, before I had the gonads to write this book. You can buy it cheap– just 99 cents– on Kindle. ($9.99 for the print copy.) I’d love to hear your response.
</p> <b>Practicing the Presence of Peace </b>
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&nbsp; This is my non-religious “updating” of the 17th Century spiritual classic by Brother Lawrence, <i>”The Practice of the Presence of God.”</i> But this book talks about retaining peace during traffic jams,homework assignments, election seasons.. </p>


</p><b>The Potless Pot High: How to Get High, Clear and Spunky without Weed </b>

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</p> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;This is a fun little book that does exactly what it says it does: gets you high, just by reading.

<b> How to Stop Smoking in 15 Easy Years: A Slacker’s Guide to Final Freedom </b> </p>
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&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; If you’re still smoking after many years of trying to quit, this radical little book will set you free. </p>

<b>How to Help Your Smoker Quit: A Brave and Happy Strategy</b>
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</p> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; If you have a smoker in the family, or close by, your reading this book will help you relate and help more than any other book around. </p>
<b> Happy John: An Advaita (Non-Duality) Gospel</b>
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</p> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; This is the Book of John (yes THE Book of John) rendered through a contemporary, non-dual point of view. <i>”In the beginning was the word, and the word was Joy.” </i> </p>
<b>The Enlightened Smoker’s Guide to Quitting: Learn to Forget to Smoke </b>
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</p> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; A classic book that has helped smokers all over the world.


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